Surf Resources for West Cornwall

Climate change Global Daily Sea Surface Temperature and Global Sea Ice Extent.

Camborne wind & temp

16 - 26 mph
10 °C feels 7 °C
inshore water 10 °C
5/4mm wetsuit
1016 mb

Local weather stations

Tide Times St. Ives
today & tomorrow

Type Time Height (m)
High 6.4
Low 0.5
High 6.5
Low 0.5
High 6.9
Low 0.2
High 6.8
Low 0.2

Tides are smaller in St. Ives bay due to the way the bay holds water. Looking for tides elsewhere?



Weather forecast St. Ives Bay, today, tomorrow & a bit beyond

Date Wind Direction Wind avg. (mph) Wind gusts (mph) Temp °C Sunny?
Fri 09:00 NW 25 31 10
Fri 12:00 NW 20 27 11
Fri 15:00 NW 22 29 10
Fri 18:00 NW 20 27 9
Fri 21:00 NW 20 27 9
Sat 24:00 NW 18 22 9
Sat 03:00 NW 11 16 8
Sat 06:00 W 7 9 7
Sat 09:00 WSW 9 13 10
Sat 12:00 SW 16 22 11
Sat 15:00 SW 18 27 11
Sat 18:00 SW 18 27 10
Sat 21:00 W 16 22 11
Sun 24:00 W 18 25 11
Sun 04:00 WNW 16 22 11
Sun 07:00 WNW 16 20 11
Sun 10:00 NW 13 20 11
Sun 13:00 NW 13 20 11
Sun 16:00 NW 11 18 11
Sun 19:00 NW 9 13 11
Sun 22:00 WNW 7 11 10
Mon 01:00 WNW 7 9 10
Mon 04:00 NW 4 7 9
Mon 07:00 SSE 4 7 8